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Marta's passion is to help dogs with reactivity so that they can live a happy and calm life.



Growing up Marta has always been surrounded by dogs and dreamed about having a career as a dog trainer. Thinking it’s never too late to change a career path, she has qualified as a dog trainer through the Dog Training College (DTC) and continues to develop her knowledge throughout various programmes and courses within the DTC. Working as not just a trainer but as a specialist dog walker too, gives her a lot more insight into dogs' daily lives and a chance to observe all kinds of dogs and their different reactions towards the busy environment we all live in. Her main interest is working with reactive dogs and trying to find ways to make the lives of humans and dogs easier.

Marta has completed various specialist courses, including Reactivity and Puppy specialist program. She runs group courses as well as offering solo dog walking with training services for reactive or sensitive dogs. Contact Marta directly on or find out more on